Soul Support
Opens Jan 1 2025 12:00 AM (EST)
Deadline Feb 16 2025 12:00 AM (EST)

The Wellstar Center for Health Equity and Congregational Health Network are continuing the mental health initiative entitled “Soul Support.” This collective will provide behavioral health education, trainings, and resources at congregations across the Wellstar service area. Soul Support will continue to focus on access to mental health care for the community as well as provide behavioral health resources while supporting Wellstar’s Zero Suicide Initiative.

About the Wellstar Center for Health Equity 

Wellstar’s Center for Health Equity activates system-wide strategies, initiatives and programs that are addressing health disparities. Driven by a cross-functional team, the Center leverages Wellstar’s diverse leadership and expertise so we can show up for our community when and where they need us most. To learn more about Wellstar’s Center for Health Equity, please visit: 

About Wellstar's Congregational Health Network

The Congregational Health Network (CHN) was created in 2000 by a nurse and a chaplain, hoping to create a partnership with Wellstar and the communities it serves. Wellstar recognizes that health is a dynamic process that includes physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. Congregations are viewed as communities of health and healing. Through this partnership, Wellstar can provide support to existing health and wellness teams in the communities of faith or can help create one. Current members of the Congregational Health Network represent diverse communities and faiths across the state of Georgia.

These organizations benefit from this free membership by having:
• Access to evidenced based community health programs that support behavioral health and chronic disease self-management.
• Access to reliable health information for distribution to community members.
• Access to healthcare professionals for speaking engagements
• Access to resources for uninsured persons.

About Soul Support

Behavioral health and wellness continue to score high on all barometers of community needs assessments, with multiple troubling statistics related to mental health and Georgia, including the communities Wellstar serves. Access to care regarding all areas of health remains a top priority which is complicated by a lack of mental health providers. Stigma surrounding mental illness and treatment causes additional stress and may also prevent someone from seeking help. Many people struggling with their mental health reach out to their faith leader for guidance and support. By providing these leaders with education, training, and resources, they are better able to serve their congregants. Additionally, the bias against mental illness will be lessened when members of the congregation and surrounding communities are encouraged to participate in mental health workshops. 

Health and Wellness Ministries are an important part of a congregation's outreach, providing valuable services to their community such as blood pressure checks or healthy eating workshops. These ministries have gained strength over the years and have recently begun to incorporate mental health and wellness into their programs. Soul Support looks to empower congregations to form Mental Health Ministries by providing up to $4,000 in grant funding that can be utilized to create or add to an already established ministry with the following:

  • support groups
  • classes / workshops
  • speakers / events
  • trainings / certifications
  • educational materials
  • resources

The overall program goal is to increase access to mental health care while de-stigmatizing mental illness through education and support.


Wellstar Health System will partner with up to five congregations with demonstrated experience in serving the community. Each application will be evaluated using specific measures and eligibility criteria will prevent organizations from applying if they do not qualify. The formal application must be submitted electronically by 11:59pm EDT, Saturday February 15, 2025. If selected, the congregation must be willing to join Wellstar's Congregational Health Network (CHN) if they are not already members.

Eligibility criteria includes: 

Soul Support site locations are a key part of ensuring program success and as community site partners, we need support in the following ways:

·Program commitment for entire year (2025 calendar year)

·Organization location in Butts, Cobb, Columbia, Douglas, Fulton, Paulding, Richmond, Spalding, and/or Troup counties

·On-site space to host educational classes / support meetings (up to 30 participants)

·Virtual capabilities (wifi available and/or ‘hotspot’, laptop or mobile devices)

·Ability to promote the classes to the population congregation serves

Each application is carefully considered, and we encourage all applicants to review this Request for Proposals in full. Priority will be given to applicants who:

•Serves populations that are at higher risk due to disparities involved with access to care

•Describes community served and congregation’s community impact regarding the number of community members served each year

•Collaboration efforts ensure successful partnership for all organizations involved

•Provides evidence of past success in hosting community-based programs at location as well as virtual

Organizations are required to provide the following quarterly updates on fund utilization and initiative progress. 

Quarterly Required Updates:

  • Q1 Informal Check-In (2/25)
  • Q2 Mid-Point Report Submission (6/25)
  • Q3 In-Person Site Visit (9/25)
  • Q4 Final Report Submission (12/25)

Wellstar reserves the right to request the return of any unused or misallocated funds that do not align with the original proposal and intended use.

Important Dates

  • Application Portal Opens: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
  • Program Begins: February, 2025
  • Program Ends: December, 2025

Scoring Criteria 

Proposals will be reviewed by Wellstar Health System based on fulfillment of criteria using a defined rubric. 

Contact Us

Wellstar Soul Support


Soul Support

The Wellstar Center for Health Equity and Congregational Health Network are continuing the mental health initiative entitled “Soul Support.” This collective will provide behavioral health education, trainings, and resources at congregations across the Wellstar service area. Soul Support will continue to focus on access to mental health care for the community as well as provide behavioral health resources while supporting Wellstar’s Zero Suicide Initiative.

About the Wellstar Center for Health Equity 

Wellstar’s Center for Health Equity activates system-wide strategies, initiatives and programs that are addressing health disparities. Driven by a cross-functional team, the Center leverages Wellstar’s diverse leadership and expertise so we can show up for our community when and where they need us most. To learn more about Wellstar’s Center for Health Equity, please visit: 

About Wellstar's Congregational Health Network

The Congregational Health Network (CHN) was created in 2000 by a nurse and a chaplain, hoping to create a partnership with Wellstar and the communities it serves. Wellstar recognizes that health is a dynamic process that includes physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. Congregations are viewed as communities of health and healing. Through this partnership, Wellstar can provide support to existing health and wellness teams in the communities of faith or can help create one. Current members of the Congregational Health Network represent diverse communities and faiths across the state of Georgia.

These organizations benefit from this free membership by having:
• Access to evidenced based community health programs that support behavioral health and chronic disease self-management.
• Access to reliable health information for distribution to community members.
• Access to healthcare professionals for speaking engagements
• Access to resources for uninsured persons.

About Soul Support

Behavioral health and wellness continue to score high on all barometers of community needs assessments, with multiple troubling statistics related to mental health and Georgia, including the communities Wellstar serves. Access to care regarding all areas of health remains a top priority which is complicated by a lack of mental health providers. Stigma surrounding mental illness and treatment causes additional stress and may also prevent someone from seeking help. Many people struggling with their mental health reach out to their faith leader for guidance and support. By providing these leaders with education, training, and resources, they are better able to serve their congregants. Additionally, the bias against mental illness will be lessened when members of the congregation and surrounding communities are encouraged to participate in mental health workshops. 

Health and Wellness Ministries are an important part of a congregation's outreach, providing valuable services to their community such as blood pressure checks or healthy eating workshops. These ministries have gained strength over the years and have recently begun to incorporate mental health and wellness into their programs. Soul Support looks to empower congregations to form Mental Health Ministries by providing up to $4,000 in grant funding that can be utilized to create or add to an already established ministry with the following:

  • support groups
  • classes / workshops
  • speakers / events
  • trainings / certifications
  • educational materials
  • resources

The overall program goal is to increase access to mental health care while de-stigmatizing mental illness through education and support.


Wellstar Health System will partner with up to five congregations with demonstrated experience in serving the community. Each application will be evaluated using specific measures and eligibility criteria will prevent organizations from applying if they do not qualify. The formal application must be submitted electronically by 11:59pm EDT, Saturday February 15, 2025. If selected, the congregation must be willing to join Wellstar's Congregational Health Network (CHN) if they are not already members.

Eligibility criteria includes: 

Soul Support site locations are a key part of ensuring program success and as community site partners, we need support in the following ways:

·Program commitment for entire year (2025 calendar year)

·Organization location in Butts, Cobb, Columbia, Douglas, Fulton, Paulding, Richmond, Spalding, and/or Troup counties

·On-site space to host educational classes / support meetings (up to 30 participants)

·Virtual capabilities (wifi available and/or ‘hotspot’, laptop or mobile devices)

·Ability to promote the classes to the population congregation serves

Each application is carefully considered, and we encourage all applicants to review this Request for Proposals in full. Priority will be given to applicants who:

•Serves populations that are at higher risk due to disparities involved with access to care

•Describes community served and congregation’s community impact regarding the number of community members served each year

•Collaboration efforts ensure successful partnership for all organizations involved

•Provides evidence of past success in hosting community-based programs at location as well as virtual

Organizations are required to provide the following quarterly updates on fund utilization and initiative progress. 

Quarterly Required Updates:

  • Q1 Informal Check-In (2/25)
  • Q2 Mid-Point Report Submission (6/25)
  • Q3 In-Person Site Visit (9/25)
  • Q4 Final Report Submission (12/25)

Wellstar reserves the right to request the return of any unused or misallocated funds that do not align with the original proposal and intended use.

Important Dates

  • Application Portal Opens: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
  • Program Begins: February, 2025
  • Program Ends: December, 2025

Scoring Criteria 

Proposals will be reviewed by Wellstar Health System based on fulfillment of criteria using a defined rubric. 

Contact Us

Wellstar Soul Support

Jan 1 2025 12:00 AM (EST)
Feb 16 2025 12:00 AM (EST)